On election day, November 2, 2004, members of “Save Crow’s Nest” distributed flyers reminding folks that preserving Crow’s Nest is a non-partisan issue.   The content of that flyer–current at the time–is reproduced below (in a different format).

 election_button_2004Finally, something everyone can agree on!

Saving Crow’s Nest Saves Taxpayer Dollars

  • 4,000 houses could be built on Crow’s Nest. Each house has at least one school-aged child. That means four new schools. Each high school costs 50 million dollars
  • An appraisal for the purchase of Crow’s Nest puts the value at 30 million.

Tell your elected official your choice

More houses and more taxes


The BETTER value – A natural area preserve to benefit you, your children, and your children’s children.


What is Crow’s Nest?

Crow’s Nest is a nearly 4,000-acre peninsula in eastern Stafford County, about 7 miles east of I-95. It is the largest remaining undeveloped tract of land in the County.  The state of Virginia has identified Crow’s Nest as one of highest conservation priorities in state.  Why?  Because preserving the property would help protect water quality, create recreational opportunities, safeguard biodiversity, preserve green space, and maintain historic and cultural resources.

What public access will be available to residents and visitors?

With a preserved Crow’s Nest, Stafford residents would just be minutes away from:

  • hiking
  • fishing
  • hunting
  • historical education
  • wildlife observation and photography
  • environmental education

Won’t buying Crow’s Nest be costly for Stafford County taxpayers?

If Crow’s Nest is developed, taxpayers will pay tens of millions of dollars for new schools, roads, and public services.  Buying and preserving Crow’s Nest will save taxpayers money while at the same time investing in a better quality of life for our citizens.

What have our elected officials, the Stafford Board of Supervisors, done to save Crow’s Nest?

In mid-January 2004, the Board unanimously stated their support for saving Crow’s Nest. Recently, they identified and qualified for a $30 million low-interest loan from the State of Virginia to purchase Crow’s Nest.

Now what?

Now, the Board of Supervisors has a limited time to vote to approve the loan and negotiate a contract to purchase Crow’s Nest with the seller.   Please contact your Supervisor today and ask them to act!

Gary F. Snellings (540) 374-8484 GaryfSnellings@aol.com
Robert Gibbons (540) 752-7276 rgibbons@mindspring.com
Jack Cavalier (540) 659-7651 jcavalier2000@aol.com
Kandy A. Hilliard (540) 659-8819 khilliard@co.stafford.va.us
Mark W. Osborn (540) 889-9914 mosborn@co.stafford.va.us
Pete Fields(540) 371-4274 pfields@co.stafford.va.us
Gary D. Pash (540) 659-8307 Cell: 845-2697 gpash@co.stafford.va.us

“The idea that communities can ‘build’ their way to prosperity through development of their open space is losing credibility as both rural and suburban/urban localities struggle to meet the financial burdens of new schools, roads, water and sewer, and other public services.  Studies consistently show that open space and agricultural lands require only $0.3 to 0.75 in public services for every $1 of tax revenue collected, whereas residential development requires between $1.19 to $1.75 in public services for every $1 of taxes paid.”


From Heritage Virginia: A Strategic Plan for Conservation of the Commonwealth’s Natural and Cultural Resources, December 2003 prepared by Virginia’s United Land Trusts.)