A December 2004 headline announces the plan to develop Crow’s Nest. These are links to archived media coverage of Crow’s Nest (most recent first). They are organized into four categories: news stories written by reporters, editorials/opinion pieces written by editors or citizens, letters to the editor from citizens, and miscellaneous pieces about Crow’s Nest history Access issues: Because of changes in digital archives at the media outlets, many articles are currently unavailable. We are working to restore this content to maintain a full historical record of the effort to save Crow’s Nest. Without a subscription, you are limited to viewing 10 articles in the Free Lance-Star. Note: A variety of viewpoints are expressed in these pieces–not all of which are consistent with positions held by “Save Crow’s Nest.” News Stories (scroll down for editorials/opinion pieces, letters to the editor, and stories about Crow’s Nest history) 2015 February 25, 2015. “Stafford Supervisors OK transfer of development rights program.” A deeply flawed TDR is passed. 2014 December 18, 2014. “Crow’s Nest Harbour Landowners Suing Stafford, Board of Supervisors.” Landowners push for ruling to enable development on Crow’s Nest. November 3, 2014. “Northern Virginia Conservation Trust Acquires More Property in Stafford.” Two lots and four acres are purchased. September 16, 2014. “Supervisors Cancel Public Hearing on Development Near Crow’s Nest.” September 14, 2014. “Lots Near Crow’s Nest Natural Area Preserve Remain Divisive.” Developers–who bought land knowing they had deed restrictions–now want those restrictions lifted. July 11, 2014. “Crow’s Nest Harbour Water, Sewer Extension Gets Thumbs Down from Planners.” Landowners want water and sewer extended to Crow’s Nest to facilitate development. June 25, 2014. “Dispute Over Water, Sewer Still Unresolved.” Landowners want water and sewer extended to Crow’s Nest to facilitate development. May 24, 2014. “Money lacking to open Crow’s Nest in Stafford County to the public.” Despite public status, Crow’s Nest remains largely behind a locked gate due to lack of funding. February 7, 2014. “Rookery: Counting the heron nests before their eggs hatch.” Surveying the heron nests on Crow’s Nest. 2013 December 21, 2013. “Plans afoot for better access to Crow’s Nest.” Canoe/kayak launch, boardwalk, and trail may be coming to property on Brooke Road. February 21, 2013. “TDR program offers ‘false claim,’ Crow’s Nest proponent says.” Much of the undeveloped Crow’s Nest Harbour isn’t eligible for becoming part of the Crow’s Nest Natural Area Preserve. February 20, 2013. “TDR ordinance passes 5-2.”After years of discussion, Board approves Transfer of Development Rights ordinance. 2012 December 4, 2012. “Stafford TDR to subcommittee.” Transfer of Development Rights ordinance sent back to the Planning Commission. November 19, 2012. “Public’s patience needed for access to Crow’s Nest.” Million dollar road improvement needed to provide access to Crow’s Nest. November 8, 2012. “New trails to be open for Crow’s Nest field day.” Some 10 1/2 miles of trails refurbished. June 27, 2012. “BZA: No building permit allowed in Crow’s Nest Harbour.” The Board of Zoning Appeals denies an appeal or a building permit application on one of the lots that fronts Raven Road. June 18, 2012. “Stafford commissioners seek input on growth.” Planning Commission discusses Transfer of Development Rights ordinance. March 21, 2012. “Stafford planners considering TDR changes.” Planning Commission reviews Transfer of Development Rights ordinance. March 18, 2012. “Lot owners want progress.” Stafford County weighs transfer of development rights from a subdivision first planned in the Crow’s Nest area in the 1970s. 2010 December 19, 2010. “Grant helps Crow’s Nest.” Conservation group reimburses state for removing invasive plant at Crow’s Nest. 2009 November 9, 2009. “Crow’s Nest opens to the public briefly.” Treasures of Crow’s Nest open for a day. July 30, 2009. “State closes deal on Crow’s Nest.” 1,200 acres added to Crow’s Nest Natural Area Preserve. March 5, 2009. “Crow’s Nest nearly done.” Board amends contract to purchase additional acres. January 10, 2009. “Another grant for Crow’s Nest.” Northern Virginia Conservation Trust receives $800,000 grant from the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation to go towards purchase of additional acres. 2008 December 18, 2008. “Crow’s Nest effort gets funds from Fish & Wildlife Service.” Fish & Wildlife Service chips in money toward next phase of Crow’s Nest purchase. May 2, 2008. “Kaine makes first visit to see Crow’s Nest.” Gov. Kaine visits environmentally sensitive Crow’s Nest peninsula in eastern Stafford County to celebrate its preservation. 2007 December 20, 2007. “Deal on Crow’s Nest criticized.” Activists critique County’s plan to plan to buy a portion of the Crow’s Nest peninsula. December 19, 2007. “Stafford has deal to purchase Crow’s Nest.” Stafford, state partner to buy Crow’s Nest. April 4, 2007. “Preserving rural areas.” Activism still leads many in efforts to save Crow’s Nest and encourage controlled growth. April 3, 2007. “Developer submits new plans for Crow’s Nest.” Developer files plans for two new subdivisions on Crow’s Nest peninsula. January 21, 2007. “Supervisors evaluated on Crow’s Nest.” Crow’s Nest report card says Stafford supervisors score high on efforts to buy peninsula, low on ordinances to slow growth. 2006 November 29, 2006. “No action planned over relic hunting.” Crow’s Nest owners, group won’t pursue legal action against property’s former caretaker who allowed event without approval. October 31, 2006. “Who gave relic hunters access?“ Crow’s Nest owners looking into who said 175 relic hunters could dig on land. October 28, 2006. “Crow’s Nest relic hunt halted; Activists angry land disturbed.” Relic hunters descend on Crow’s Nest; landowner says they didn’t have permission to be there. October 28, 2006. “Hunts thrill hunters, irritate historians.” Big fee-paid relic hunts, like the one on Crow’s Nest, are a relatively new–and some say, troubling–development. September 26, 2006. “Judge suggests way to settle Crow’s Nest issues.” ourt agrees to hear evidence in subdivision denial, but encourages another approach. September 14, 2006. “Crow’s Nest work halted.” Crow’s Nest developer is issued stop-work order for soil evaluations. August 1, 2006. “County Late Filing Accepted.” Judge extends time County has to respond to lawsuit from developers. July 30, 2006. “Nature of the ‘Nest’ Reports Cite Stafford Peninsula’s Assets.” A feature story reviewing the natural resources and history of Crow’s Nest. June 22, 2006. “Court Will Set Price for Nest.” Story on the Crow’s Nest condemnation process. June 21, 2006. “Crow’s Nest to Be Condemned.” Stafford Board of Supervisors vote to move forward on purchase of Crow’s Nest by eminent domain. May 25, 2006. “Experiment Turns into an Adventure.” Middle-school students learn about the environment in the waters near Crow’s Nest. May 24, 2006. “Crow’s Nest Offer is $30.5 Million.” Stafford Board of Supervisors await a response to their offer to purchase of a portion of Crow’s Nest. May 20,2006. “Major Project Filed in Stafford.” Impact of major project could be offset through funds to help the County purchase Crow’s Nest. April 10, 2006. “Heron’s Using Crow’s Nest for their Own.” A heronry is one of the magnificent features of the Crow’s Nest peninsula, threatened by development. April 4, 2006. “Rugged Road Ahead.” New roads that could help promote development of Crow’s Nest are part of County plan. March 23, 2006. “Crow’s Nest Offer $27 Million.” Offer amount is confirmed; owners want more than twice as much; Supervisor Milde says eminent domain is still available as option of last resort. March 22, 2006. “Offer on Crow’s Nest.” Board of Supervisors authorizes a purchase offer for bulk of Crow’s Nest property and passes drain field ordinance with implications for Crow’s Nest. February 8, 2006. “Stafford to Rehash Water, Sewer Regulations.” An administrative error forces the return to the Planning Commission of a proposed ordinance that could impact Crow’s Nest. February 7, 2006. “Court Hearing on Crow’s Nest Appeal Postponed.” K&M developers ask court to revisit past ruling. February 7, 2006. “Stafford Eyes Roads.” Story on road planning mentions “strong public concerns” that new Andrew Chapel road could promote development on Crow’s Nest. February 3, 2006. “Developer Mounts Crow’s Nest Appeal.” K&M initiates legal challenge to the Planning Commission’s unanimous rejection of the plan to develop Crow’s Nest. January 26, 2006. “Crow’s Nest Plan Rejected.” Planning Commission votes unanimously to reject development plan; developers will appeal. January 21, 2006. “Peninsulas may meet entirely different fates.” Landowner is the difference between Widewater and Crow’s Nest. January 18, 2006. “Stafford Speeds Work on Crow’s Nest Ordinance.” Board of Supervisors moves forward drain fields ordinance that would affect proposed Crow’s Nest development, but delay second ordinance requiring more buffers around creeks and slopes with highly erodible soils. January 13, 2006. “Widewater Tract Handed Over.” Widewater finally becomes a state park. Now, one member of the Board of Supervisors says, “”Crow’s Nest is the top priority for the board.” January 12, 2006. “Crow’s Nest Kicked Back to Planners.” Circuit Court ruling means development plan goes back to Planning Commission. January 11, 2006. “Judge Rejects Review of Crow’s Nest Plan.” In split decision, judge says development plan can’t go to Board of Zoning Appeals, but empowers Planning Commission to consider zoning issues. January 8, 2006. “Milde wants new connections.” Profile of new incoming Supervisor mentions Crow’s Nest issue. January 7, 2006. “Crow’s Nest in Court.” Crow’s Nest owner argues to stop appeal filed by citizens; judge delays ruling. January 6, 2006. “Brito wants development controlled.” Profile of new incoming Supervisor mentions Crow’s Nest issue. Janurary 4, 2006. “High court panel nixes land appeal.” State Supreme Court rejects effort by K&M developers to increase allowable housing density on Crow’s Nest. 2005 December 24,2005. “Crow’s Nest Appeal Stalls Development Plan.” Citizen-suit, supported by the Crow’s Nest Defense Fund, puts development plan on hold for now. December 8, 2005. “Crow’s Nest Pros-Cons Debated.” The Planning Commission’s legal authority to review the Crow’s Nest development plan is challenged; the Commission recesses without hearing the plan after a public comment period in which speakers point out numerous flaws. December 8, 2005. “Stafford Road Work Wins OK.” A new road to Crow’s Nest is one step closer to reality as a result of a vote by the Fredericksburg area transportation board. December 6, 2005. “Controversial Road Plan to Be Debated.” Discussion of a multi-phase road project leading directly to Crow’s Nest that will make development there much easier. December 2, 2005. “Trust Eyes Crow’s Nest.” Northern Virginia Conservation Trust receives additional $500,000 to add towards purchase of Crow’s Nest. November 18, 2005. “Planning for Big Change.” Exercise on regional planning includes saving Crow’s Nest as common goal. November 4, 2005. “Stafford Candidates Talk Growth.” All four incumbents–but only one challenger–attend developer-sponsored forum. October 31, 2005. “Race for Aquia Seat is Stafford’s Hottest.” Story about the Board of Supervisors race, where Crow’s Nest was the major issue. September 22, 2005. “New Plans Eyed for Preserve.” The Board of Supervisors votes unanimously to get an updated appraisal of Crow’s Nest; supporters bring their case for preservation to the Board. September 11, 2005. “Purchase of Bird Refuge is at Issue in Campaigns.” A Washington Post piece on Crow’s Nest–unfortunately with a mischaracterization of Save Crow’s Nest that later prompted a correction affirming our non-partisan status. September 11, 2005. “Shrinking habitat: Wildlife losing out to suburban growth.” The title says it all; mention of Crow’s Nest. September 11, 2005. “Some states moving to link up natural areas.” Brief mention of Crow’s Nest in a story about efforts to link natural areas. September 10, 2005. “Garrett dusts off old plans.” Passing mention of Crow’s Nest as one possible factor in the Planning Commission’s recommendation to deny two requests for rezoning elsewhere. Development attorney Clark Lemming admits, “I guess you could say politics have changed.” September 8, 2005. “Crow’s Nest film to be shown by Sierra Group.” Brief announcement of upcoming Battlefields Sierra Group showing of Crow’s Nest video on September 15. September 1, 2005. “More showings slated for film on Crow’s Nest.” Report on the video debut that drew overflow crowd of 175, and update on future showings of the video. August 31, 2005. “Film’s aim: Spare Crow’s Nest. Documentary’s public showing draws crowd.” The public premiere of “Crow’s Nest: Stafford County’s Last Refuge” draws an overflow crowd, and conveys sense of urgency to act now to save Crow’s Nest. August 26, 2005. “Re-election on agenda for Hilliard.” Aquia District Supervisor, Kandy Hilliard, announces her re-election bid and future plans–but, as the reporter points out, fails to mention Crow’s Nest. August 5, 2005. “Crow’s Nest Video to Aid Preservation Effort.” New 12-minute video highlights some of the beauty of Crow’s Nest and features comments by local individuals involved in the effort to preserve it. August 2, 2005. “Catching Up with Pash.” A wide-ranging interview with Gary Pash, chair of the Stafford County Board of Supervisors. When asked about Crow’s Nest he says he can’t talk about it because of pending litigation…even though there is not any litigation against the County regarding Crow’s Nest. (The only litigation is against the Stafford County Board of Zoning Appeals, a completely separate quasi-judicial body.) June 15, 2005. “Dudenhefer, Milde Earn GOP nomination for Stafford Board Seats.” Supporter of saving Crow’s Nest wins Republican nomination for Aquia District seat and will face a Democratic incumbent who also supports saving Crow’s Nest. June 8, 2005. “Builder Dealt a Setback, Judge Rules on Crow’s Nest.” Judge rejects effort by K&M developers to increase allowable housing density on Crow’s Nest. May 5, 2005. “Stafford Officials Question Crow’s Nest Development.” The plan to build hundreds of houses on the Crow’s Nest peninsula advanced to the Technical Review Committee, which is responsible for making sure any proposed development plans comply with applicable regulations. February 20, 2005. “Stafford land-use lawyer Clark Lemming handles most development cases in fast growing county.” Profile of the lawyer who represents most developers, including Crow’s Nest owners, K&M Properties. February 3, 2005. “Leaders Challenged to Juggle Jobs, Growth.” The issue of Crow’s Nest is included in a regional conference on growth and development. January 15, 2005. “Crow’s Nest Plan Decried.” Planning office accepts incomplete Crow’s Nest development plan from K&M properties, in violation of its own rules. Local activist asks that plan be returned. [Not available in archives.] January 11, 2005. “Murphy Sets Sights High” is a profile of the Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources, W. Tayloe Murphy Jr., who calls saving Crow’s Nest “a top priority.” 2004 December 28, 2004. “Pristine Land Has Stafford Mulling Cost, Priorities.” Washington Post overview of the Crow’s Nest situation. (Limited access.) December 15, 2004. “K&M to Carve Up Peninsula.” Largest landowner on Crow’s Nest files plan for 646 houses scattered across the peninsula. [Not available in archives.] December 4, 2004. “State OKs Loan for Crow’s Nest.” County receives final approval for conservation loan to purchase Crow’s Nest. Now it’s in the hands of the Board of Supervisors. September 14,2004. “Trying to Save a Symbol.” A “Save Crow’s Nest” member discovers an injured eagle. Follow up story on the eagle’s death. September 3, 2004. “Panel OKs Loan for Crow’s Nest.” County receives initial approval for State loan to purchase Crow’s Nest. August 18, 2004. “No Vote on Crow’s Nest.” With support of “Save Crow’s Nest,” Supervisors decide to pursue alternative funding to purchase Crow’s Nest, saying “no” to a November referendum. July 22, 2004. “Crow’s Nest Deal Off.” Development deal with luxury home builders Toll Brothers doesn’t happen. July 14, 2004. “A Voice for Area’s Resources.” Profile of Battlefields Sierra Group, including discussion of Crow’s Nest. July 9, 2004. “New Defender for Crow’s Nest.” The national environmental group, Defenders of Wildlife, join in supporting the preservation of Crow’s Nest. July 7, 2004. “Kirby Reflects on Planning Role.” In an interview, Barbara Kirby reflects on her years on the Stafford Planning Commission, concluding with comments about saving Crow’s Nest. May 19, 2004. “Stafford Sets Vote on Crow’s Nest.” Supervisors express some interest in possible bond referendum. May 17, 2004. “Board to Debate Crow’s Nest Bonds.” The last chance for the Board of Supervisors to approve a special election for a bond referendum to purchase Crow’s Nest. May 2, 2004. “Crow’s Nest Name Frays Some Feathers.” A web site copies our group’s name. April 29, 2004. “Crow’s Nest Rezoning Affirmed.” The Board of Zoning Appeals turns down appeal by Stafford Lakes Limited (K&M Properties) to allow higher density on Crow’s Nest. Any cluster housing will have to go through rezoning process. April 23, 2004. “Crow’s Nest Proposal Quickly Canned.” Stafford County Sun‘s story about the reversal by Kandy Hilliard. April 21, 2004. “All Quiet on Bond Proprosal.” Supervisor Kandy Hilliard reverses herself and does not ask staff to draft a resolution for a park bound to purchase Crow’s Nest. April 20, 2004. “Official Backs Bond.” Supervisor Kandy Hilliard announces she will ask staff to draft a resolution for a park bound to purchase Crow’s Nest. April 10, 2004 “Developer Eyeing Crow’s Nest.” Toll Brothers, “America’s Luxury Home Builder,” has contract to buy Crow’s Nest. March 3, 2004. “Supervisors Mum on Acquiring Crow’s Nest.” After Board of Supervisors decides to stop publicly commenting on Crow’s Nest, Save Crow’s Nest spokesperson says, “We’re less concerned with what the supervisors say and more concerned with what they actually do.” February 29, 2004. “Partisanship in Preservation Push.” An unfortunate title and frame for what was, in reality, a great organizing meeting! February 28, 2004. “Future of Crow’s Nest May Rest with Voters.” Bond referendum may be introduced at the Board of Supervisors; “Save Crow’s Nest” to hold community meeting. February 18, 2004. “Bond Issue Sought to Preserve Crow’s Nest.” “Save Crow’s Nest” calls upon the Board of Supervisors to authorize a bond referendum to purchase all of Crow’s Nest. February 15, 2004. “Stafford Ponders Land Swap.” K&M Properties floats a proposal that would give Stafford County “all or part” Crow’s Nest in exchange for not having to pay proffers on increased density elsewhere. The devil is in the details. February 10, 2004. “Saving Crow’s Nest: Preservation Group Plans Community Meeting.” The upcoming February 28th community meeting and the launch of this website. January 22, 2004. “Group Forms to Save Crow’s Nest.” The formation of “Save Crow’s Nest” and its initial action at the County Board of Supervisors. January 22, 2004. “Leming in Limbo Over Utility Seat.” This article reports on the challenge made to the reappointment of the attorney who represents K&M Properties, Clark Leming, to the County’s Utilities Commission. (He was not reappointed.) January 13, 2004. “Housing Plan Pushed.” Summary of K&M Properties’ plan to develop “cluster housing” in Crow’s Nest. January 9, 2004. “Refuge Proposal Dies.” The initial story that reported K&M Properties had walked away from negotiations with the State on the sale of their land. 2003 September 10, 2003. “Paradise Lost? Aquia Landing Experiences New Growth.” Report on recent development (Poplar Hills, Meadowbrook Estates) in the area around Crow’s Nest and the possible environmental damage it brings. August 20, 2003. “Protecting the Environment” Brooke Point high school students donate money to the Trust to Save Crow’s Nest–and challenge other students to do the same. June 7, 2003. “Tax Cut Could Help Environment.” Discussion of possible government funding to help buy and preserve Crow’s Nest. January 7, 2003. “Stafford to Get State Park” Announcement of Widewater land purchase for state park–and discussion of Crow’s Nest as possible next preservation acquisition. 2002 December 27, 2002. “Funds Earmarked for Wildlife-Refuge Property Purchase.” Government funding to preserve Crow’s Nest. December 27, 2002. “Visions for Crow’s Nest.” Time-line of preservation and development efforts up to that time. November 16, 2002. “Bill passes to help save Crow’s Nest in Stafford.” Led by Republican Representative Jo Ann Davis, U.S. House passes American Wildlife Enhancement Act that makes some funds available to purchase Crow’s Nest. November 8, 2002. “Parks Around the Region to Benefit from Bonds.” Includes mention of Crow’s Nest funding. November 6, 2002. “College, Park Projects to Get Cash Infusion.” Voters approve park bonds by 2-to-1 margin. October 19,2002. “State Bond Could Preserve Pristine Crow’s Nest.” October 2, 2002. “Congress Now Has the Ball.” Columnist recollects camping trip to Crow’s Nest as a youth–and calls on Congress to act to save Crow’s Nest. October 2, 2002. “Senator Warner Pushes to Preserve Crow’s Nest.” Virginia’s Republican US Senator sponsors legislation trying to save Crow’s Nest by creating an Accokeek Creek National Wildlife Refuge. July 4, 2002. “Stafford Refuge Rejected.” US Fish and Wildlife Service declines to add Crow’s Nest to its refuge system. (Also see letter from Trust for Crow’s Nest responding to this development.) March 6, 2002. “Trust Asks Stafford to Fund Crow’s Nest Preservation” 2001 September, 28, 2001. “Cost Endangers Push to Preserve Crow’s Nest.” Describes the threat to Crow’s Nest should K&M Properties try to develop it. Editorials, Opinion Pieces, and Columns 2008 January 16, 2008. “Crow’s Nest: a beautiful peninsula preserved.” Opinion piece of purchase of Crow’s Nest acres. 2006 May 26, 2006. “Crow’s Nest: Doable?” Free Lance-Star editorial noting that “citizens and officials at all levels of government are committed to saving Crow’s Nest.” March 26, 2006. “Option B.” Free Lance-Star editorial observes, “Sounds like developers have gotten a free ride for too long” and supports efforts that could help save Crow’s Nest. February 7, 2006. “Subterfuge afoot in Stafford’s officials’ recent Crow’s Nest decision.” After the plan to develop Crow’s Nest is unanimously rejected, the lawyer for K&M developers (and co-founder of Stafford Council for Progress) accuses County officials of “procedural shenanigans” involving a “secret memorandum,” and claims they “bend the rules” and “employ bait and switch tactics.” Needless to say, the facts tell a different story. January 31, 2006. “Dig into Crow’s Nest: You’ll find 10,000 years of Stafford history.” Op-ed reviews highlights of the archaeological report for Crow’s Nest. January 11, 2006. “A new year is upon us–time to save Crow’s Nest once and for all.” Op-ed by Save Crow’s Nest member calls on the new Board to act on behalf of Crow’s Nest. January 6, 2006. “Feather for the Nest.” Editorial notes recent legal victories and says, “The new year should begin a redoubling of efforts to save timeless Crow’s Nest.” 2005 December 13, 2005. “Why are our elected officials ignoring our transportation needs?” Instead of addressing traffic and congestion that already plagues the County, officials spend scarce dollars to build new roads that will promote more development….in Crow’s Nest! December 6, 2005. “Duck’s Nest.” Editorial calls on the Planning Commission to table Crow’s Nest plan in light of its lame duck status. Let the new Commission appointed by the newly-elected Supervisors take up the issue. November 18, 2005. “Newly elected officials note well: Stafford voters want progress.” Lack of progress on saving Crow’s Nest” is citing as one of the issues leading to a clean sweep of incumbents in the Stafford Board of Supervisors election. November 3, 2005. “Crow’s Nest has long needed saving, so why hasn’t it been done?” Taxes going up again? A look at how developers and public officials pick the pockets of taxpayers. Ocotober 5, 2005. “In the interest of balance: 10 reasons NOT to save Crow’s Nest.” A humorous look at the absurdity of developing Crow’s Nest. September 20, 2005. “Ten things Stafford County Supervisors can do to save Crow’s Nest.” A Save Crow’s Nest member lays out possibilities for immediate action. A more detailed version of this piece with additional technical supporting information is also available. September 20, 2005. “Tryannis, Inc.” Unbridled development has become the South’s “second Reconstruction,” say the editors of the Free Lance-Star. While not mentioning Crow’s Nest by name, their observations are clearly applicable. September 16, 2005. “Nature Endangered: Stafford must save Crow’s Nest–now.” Free Lance-Star editorial calling for the purchase and preservation of all of Crow’s Nest. September 9, 2005. “Crow’s Nest Flick: Rave Review” Column by Derval Brown of the Stafford County Sun. September 9, 2005. “Is this worth crowing about?” The editor of the Stafford County Sun says he wants to save Crow’s Nest; he just wants somebody else (unnamed) to pay for it. Huh? September, 2005. “On the porch: Values.” Monthly op-ed in Front Porch Fredericksburg reviews reasons to save Crow’s Nest, and actions elected officials can take, ending with “let’s not hold our breath too long in deciding what to do.” September, 2005. “Quiet moments: Crow’s Nest.” In his monthly column for Front Porch Fredericksburg, Archer DiPeppe reflects on why he made the video on Crow’s Nest. August 28, 2005. Crow’s Nest, the Movie. Brief op-ed encouraging people to see the new documentary about Crow’s Nest. August 3, 2005. “Want to save Crow’s Nest? Then talk to your county government.” Reacting to a letter by Crow’s Nest supporter Lili Robins, Clark Leming, the attorney for the developers that own Crow’s Nest, presents his opinion about the options for Crow’s Nest July 21, 2005. “Eminent domain might help save Crow’s Nest from development.” Since Crow’s Nest has no current residents, this piece raises the possibility of eminent domain as a way to preserve the peninsula and prevent the owners from extorting windfall profits from the taxpayers. May 19, 2005. “Herons, beaver dams, and dead wood can make life worthwhile.” A personal description of a visit to the heron rookery on Crow’s Nest. Development on the peninsula would destroy the ecosystem of which the rookery is a part. January 18, 2005. “Think Crow’s Nest Has Been Saved? Wrong: The County Must Act.” An op-ed from two SCN members calling on the Board of Supervisors to accept the full amount of the State’s low interest loan and to purchase all of Crow’s Nest. 2004 December 8, 2004. “Crow’s Nest Hope.” Free Lance-Star editors hope that $30 million loan is key step towards saving Crow’s Nest. September 16, 2004. “Future Staffordians Will Pay if County’s Crow’s Nest is Developed.” Don’t incur the costs of development, says Norris Dickard, help save Crow’s Nest. August 20, 2004. “Wanted: Middlemen.” A call for win-win solutions to preservation, including saving Crow’s Nest. July 24, 2004. “Here & There.” Brief call for saving Crow’s Nest. June 25, 2004. “Subtle Reminder.” A column reflecting on what’s loss when development proceeds unchecked. May 2, 2004. “Unspotted Species.” The Free Lance-Star editors search for a “stern-spined statesman” to show some leadership on saving Crow’s Nest. March 26, 2004. “Stafford Balances” individual rights and the public good in considering proposed “Agricultural Performance” standards that would affect Crow’s Nest. February 27, 2004. “Why a Bond Referendum is the Way to Save Crow’s Nest.” The case for a bond referendum is made by Nan Rollison, a member of Save Crow’s Nest, and John Mitchell, chairman of the Trust for Crow’s Nest. February 18, 2004. “Saving Crow’s Nest: Let’s Not Throw Away Stafford’s Crown Jewel.” A commentary by Steven Apicella, the chairman of the Stafford Republican Party and a member of the Trust for Crow’s Nest Fundraising Committee, on why Crow’s Nest should be saved. February 12, 2004. “With Reasonable Negotiations a Crow’s Nest Deal Can Be Reached.” The lawyer for property owner and developer K&M Properties advances his client’s case (some of which we disagree with) but also makes the important point that a deal to save Crow’s Nest is still possible. February 1, 2004. “Lost World” A commentary by Norris Dickard, board member of the Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region and the fund-raising committee of the Trust for Crow’s Nest, summarizing the lessons he’s learned working to save Crow’s Nest. January 13, 2004. “Lost World” The Free Lance-Star editorial calling to save Crow’s Nest. 2001 October 7, 2001. “Saving Crow’s Nest” A Free Lance-Star editorial calling to save Crow’s Nest–from 2001! Letters to the Editor 2014 July 9, 2014. “Protect the Herons at Crow’s Nest.” 2012 Douglas F. Brown. December 28, 2012. “Let’s find a way to preserve Crow’s Nest” Bill Micks. December 19, 2012. “Crow’s Nest: Definitely a great deal!” 2009 Brad Miller. July 31, 2009. “Re-elect Paul Milde? Don’t make me laugh.” 2008 Lisa Herr. January 24, 2008. “All parts of Crow’s Nest are very valuable.” Mariel Berrios Riebe. January 14, 2008. “Can we now preserve the entire peninsula of Crow’s Nest?” Michael Nardolilli. January 2, 2008. “Crow’s Nest deal is a great step forward.” Matthew Butler. January 2, 2008. “What, exactly, does ‘Save Crow’s Nest’ group leader want?” 2006 Yamini Singh. November 28, 2006. “Crow’s Nest is far too beautiful to be paved over.” Janette Mason. October 1, 2006. “Area’s majestic Crow’s Nest is still in grave danger.” Dr. F. Baldwin Harrington, Jr. July 1, 2006. “Crow’s Nest is Well Worth Saving; Whatever It Takes” Whitney Bailey. April 23, 2006. “Great Blue Herons Need Protection–and Privacy.” Janice Obert. March 14, 2006. “‘Vision’ of a developed Crow’s Nest is a real nightmare.” Katherine Cheek, March 12, 2006. “Our national forests need federal protection.” Susan Doepp, February 13, 2006. “No virtue in ruining land for profit.” Helen Sanders, January 20, 2006. “Environmental issues, conservation do affect poor.” Jay B. Jackson. January 19, 2006. “Property rights abridged? Read the Kelo decision with care.” R. Marc Fast. January 6, 2006. “Kaine, save Crow’s Nest.” 2005 Daniel Gama Barrios. December 19, 2005. “Check out K&M’s plans for Crow’s Nest: Shocking!” Alyssa Buckingham. December 15, 2005. “Stafford has lots of houses, only one Crow’s Nest.” Steven Alarcon. December 3, 2005. “Oxygen Supports Life; Let’s Support Crow’s Nest.” Jennifer A. Kleinrichert, Laurie B. Hollens, Judith C. Nelsen. November 20, 2005. “We’re Hoosiers Who Support Saving Crow’s Nest.” Gerald Bellotti. November 15, 2005. “Five Years Later and the Crow’s Nest is Still in Danger” John M. Chinn. November 2, 2005. “Save Crow’s Nest Now!” Aimee Weldon. October 22, 2005. “Crow’s Nest a safe haven for wildlife amid suburbs” Antoinette Franke. October 11, 2005. “People and animals all need what Crow’s Nest gives.” Helen Sanders. October 6, 2005. “Op-ed on Crow’s Nest made good, timely sense.” Barbara Casana, October 5, 2005. “Is Crow’s Nest worth saving? Look at Yosemite.” Penny and Joe Hicks. September 29, 2005. “Save the beauty that Mother Nature created.” Anne Little, September 28, 2005. “Thanks to all who came to the Stafford BOS meeting.” Scarlett Suhy-Pons, September 28, 2005. “An easy decision: Save Crow’s Nest.” Douglas Brown, September 28, 2005. “Save the Nest–and crunch some numbers on growth.” Debi Whittle, September 23, 2005. “Stafford must preserve Crow’s Nest.” John and Marilyn Sue Bland, September 20, 2005. “Will Stafford supervisors allow Virginia’s heritage to be destroyed?” Susan Haines, September 16, 2005. “Park-starved Stafford needs to buy Crow’s Nest” Sally Anderson, September 16, 2005. “Crow’s Nest wilderness is too precious for us to lose.” Marilyn and Richard Ayres, September 14, 2005. “Lose Crow’s Nest and Lose Stafford’s Individuality.” Margareeta Williamson, September 13, 2005. “Crow’s Nest is Much Too Precious to Throw Away.” Dewey Reynolds, September 10, 2005. “Rise up, citizens, to save Crow’s Nest.” Ranjit Singh, September 8, 2005. “Beauty and serenity of Crow’s Nest make it a treasure.” Jarred Shaw, September 8, 2005. “We must save Crow’s Nest–while we still can.” Carlton “Spirit Hawk” Bullock, September 2, 2005. “Crow’s Nest’ film is a must see.” John Chinn, August 27, 2005. “Buying Crow’s Nest cheaper than paying for schools” Paul T. School. August 6, 2005. “Why not ‘take’ Crow’s Nest legally?” Lili Robins, July 21, 2005 “Developers, act on your commitment: Save Crow’s Nest” Cindy Hall, July 5, 2005 “Why is Stafford stalling on saving Crow’s Nest?” Scarlett Suhy-Pons, May 15, 2005 “Let’s preserve Crow’s Nest and our rural heritage.” Andy Jewell, February 2, 2005 “Stafford plan has lots of ‘vision,’ too little action.” Antoinette Franke, January 13, 2005 “Saving Crow’s Nest is an Investment in the future.” 2004 Judy Humphrey, December 21, 2004 “Land is not a renewable resource; we must protect it.” Paul Milde, September 6, 2004 “Why did Stafford nix Crow’s Nest referendum?” Linda Hiross, July 15, 2004 “Crow’s Nest must be saved–whatever the cost.” Cathy Vlahos, June 15, 2004 “Have self-sacrifice and patriotism gone out of style?” Jim Slater, May 7, 2004 “We all need to work to save sensitive nature areas.” Bruce Levy, May 5, 2004 “Where are the advocates for Crow’s Nest treasure?” Sandy Gamlin, April 7, 2004 “Destruction of Crow’s Nest would be a disaster.” John Chinn, April 1, 2004 “Developer, Stafford supervisors have an opportunity.” Bob Dodge, March 12, 2004 “Save Crow’s Nest for future generations.” Anne Little, March 8, 2004 “Let’s preserve scenic Crow’s Nest, not fill developer’s pockets.” Gordon Silver, March 7, 2004 “Developing lovely Crow’s Nest is a lose-lose proposition.” Mary Becelia, March 7, 2004 “Crow’s Nest is a local treasure too precious for our area to lose.” Helen Sanders, March 7, 2004 “What sum of money is too high for a pristine wildlife area?” L. B. Gschwandtner, March 5, 2004 “Cluster development is still not a good fit for Crow’s Nest.” Paul Milde, February 15, 2004 “Real action is needed if we are going to save Crow’s Nest.” Archer DiPeppe, January 31, 2004 “Loss of Crow’s Nest would worsen local life.” Janet Obert, January 29, 2004 “Crow’s Nest peninsula must be saved at all costs.” Sarah Heffner, January 25, 2004 “Ecological treasures like Crow’s Nest must be saved.” David Croteau, January 21, 2004 “‘Irreplaceable’ Crow’s nest must be preserved.” Crow’s Nest History and Other Crow’s Nest Stories These pieces focus on the historical people and events associated with Crow’s Nest. November 18, 2008. “Discovering treasures of Crow’s Nest.” New book plumbs the treasures of Crow’s Nest. July 23, 2005. “Local Man Rises to National Stage.” Profile of Peter Vivian Daniel who was born on Crow’s Nest and who became a Supreme Court Justice in 1842. February 28, 2004. “Two Hikes, Two Worlds.” Paul Sullivan’s popular “Armchair Adventures” column visits Crow’s Nest. January 11, 2003. “Interesting though not very likeable…” The colorful life of John Moncure Daniel, a newspaper editor who’s family home was on Crow’s Nest. December 27, 2002. “New Book Depicts Crow’s Nest Native.” Overview of the biography of John Moncure Daniel. August 31, 2002. “The Overlooked Founding Father.” The story of Thomas Stone, who signed the Declaration of Independence. His daughters married brothers from the Daniel’s family of Crow’s Nest. “‘A great many families and prominent people in Stafford County history can trace a connection back to Thomas Stone,” says Stafford historian Barbara Kirby.'” June 28, 2002. “Crow’s Nest Gets Salute.” Historic Daniels family cemetery in Crow’s Nest gets new headstone.