
Unless Judge Braxton’s ruling is overturned by the Supreme Court of Virginia, this is the type of damage that will continue to occur on Crow’s Nest as Stafford Lakes LP moves forward with development plans.   (Story below.)

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Judge Braxton of the Stafford Circuit Court has prohibited the County from enforcing its soil and erosion control ordinance, allowing Stafford Lakes LP to move forward with clearing and grading in order to conduct drain field site tests on Crow’s Nest. (Read the news story.) The Judge acted on lawsuits filed by both the County and Stafford Lakes LP. These lawsuits were the result of a stop work order issued by the County when, in response to a complaint filed by Save Crow’s Nest, it determined that Stafford Lakes LP had engaged in unauthorized “land disturbing activities” (clearing and grading with a front-loader) without the required permit. (Read the court documents and related news stories.)

Unfortunately, this is just the sort of thing we have been expecting. With this latest ruling, the destruction of vegetation, habitat and historical sites on Crow’s Nest can continue. Until the entire peninsula is permanently protect from development, we are likely to see more actions like this that advance development and disturb the environment.